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How to insert the request body?

Help, guys, I have been assigned to research gatling with javascript for performance testing, but I am quite junior and struggling to even make a login request from a project.

This is the documentation:
There is also a nice video by a guy here, that I used for a double check, if I missed some prerequisite:

So far this is the solution I am coming up with:

import { atOnceUsers, scenario, simulation } from "";
import { http, status, StringBody } from "";

export default simulation((setUp) => {
    const httpProtocol = 

    const loginAndLogout = scenario('Login and logout')
      .body(StringBody("{ \"username\": \"testUser\", \"password\": \"testPass\", \"channel\": \"web\" }"))
      .check(status().is(200))  // Check for a 200 OK response


A simple get request is working, but a post request with a body is just not doing the job for me. I just get:

"[ERROR] i.g.a.Gatling$ - Run crashed org.graalvm.polyglot.PolyglotException: TypeError: undefined is not a function."

The error itself does not speak too much to me.

I have done previously a full project with "k6", but I am clueless here. Thanks.


  • The error lies in the imports:

    import { atOnceUsers, scenario, simulation } from "";
    import { http, status, StringBody } from "";

    StringBody needs to be imported from core, not http:

    import { StringBody, atOnceUsers, scenario, simulation } from "";
    import { http, status } from "";