I want a script that for every cell in a selected range, changes the formula to a function that evaluates what the starting formula is numerically equal to.
It seems .formula
should work, because the object I want to get the formula for is a cell.
Sub Functions()
End Sub
Function GetFormula(Target As Range) As String
GetFormula = Target.Formula
End Function
Function Eval(Ref As String)
Eval = Evaluate(Ref)
End Function
Sub FixFormat(gyaat As Ranges)
For Each c In Range(gyaat).Cells
c.Formula = Eval(GetFormula(c.Adress))
End Sub
Sub bruh()
If TypeName(Selection) = "Range" Then
Dim myRange As Range
Set myRange = Selection
Dim myCells As Object
MsgBox "Please select a Range", vbInformation
End If
For Each myCells In myRange
myCells.Formula = Eval(GetFormula(myCells.Adress))
End Sub
If completely wrong, what should I do instead?
I'm thinking the function in any myCells cell might contain references to other cells, but I could make a separate macro for that.
I tried a custom function, but functions are for setting the value of the cell that uses them, so I don't think where you select cells and the value of the selected cells gets changed is a thing.
Your GetFormula function expects a range.
Function GetFormula(Target As Range) As String
GetFormula = Target.Formula
End Function
But when you call it, you pass an address/a string:
c.Formula = Eval(GetFormula(c.Adress))
So, change this line to:
c.Formula = Eval(GetFormula(c))