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Excel VBA Highlight Cells Based on Same Groups from Different Column

I have a large data set in which Column A specifies a Group name and column D specifies a number that needs to be unique PER group.

I'd like to use VBA to highlight any Duplicate cells in Column D, for same Groups from Column A.


In this case, cells for Group 1 containing "20" would be highlighted and cells for Group 2 containing "33" would be highlighted.

Group 1 20
Group 1 15
Group 1 12
Group 1 16
Group 1 2
Group 1 20
Group 2 1
Group 2 33
Group 2 18
Group 2 15
Group 2 4
Group 2 33


  • Modifying my linked post:

    Sub HiliteDups()
        Const HILITE_COLOR = vbRed
        Dim ws As Worksheet, k
        Dim dict As Object, rng As Range, data, r As Long
        'Set dict = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") 'Windows
        Set dict = New Dictionary                        'Cross-platform
        '   (
        Set ws = ActiveSheet 'for example
        Set rng = ws.Range("A2:D" & ws.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row)
        rng.Columns(4).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone 'clear flags
        data = rng.Value  'get data as array (for faster looping)
        For r = 1 To UBound(data, 1)           'loop over range data
            k = data(r, 1) & "<>" & data(r, 4) 'composite key A+D
            If dict.Exists(k) Then
                If dict(k) > 0 Then 'need to color the first row for this key?
                    rng.Cells(dict(k), 4).Interior.Color = HILITE_COLOR
                    dict(k) = 0
                End If
                rng.Cells(r, 4).Interior.Color = HILITE_COLOR 'color this row
                dict.Add k, r 'remember this row in case there are duplicates later
            End If
        Next r
    End Sub

    EDIT - allow for use of cross-platform dictionary class from:

    And another alternative: using a Collection with keys

    Sub HiliteDups()
        Const HILITE_COLOR = vbRed
        Dim ws As Worksheet, k As String, valA, valD
        Dim col As Collection, rng As Range, data, r As Long, v
        Set ws = ActiveSheet 'for example
        Set rng = ws.Range("A2:D" & ws.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row)
        rng.Columns(4).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone 'clear flags
        data = rng.Value  'get data as array (for faster looping)
        Set col = New Collection 'for tracking unique A+D combinations
        For r = 1 To UBound(data, 1)           'loop over range data
            valA = data(r, 1)
            valD = data(r, 4)
            If Len(valA)>0 And Len(valD)>0 Then
                k = valA & "<>" & valD 'composite key A+D
                v = KeyValue(col, k)
                If Not IsEmpty(v) Then
                    If v > 0 Then 'need to color the first row for this key?
                        rng.Cells(v, 4).Interior.Color = HILITE_COLOR
                        col.Remove k 'remove keyed value
                        col.Add 0, k 're-add as zero
                    End If
                    rng.Cells(r, 4).Interior.Color = HILITE_COLOR 'color this row
                    col.Add Item:=r, Key:=k 'remember this row and key in case there are duplicates later
                End If  'key was found?
            End If      'values in A and D?
        Next r
    End Sub
    'Retrieve value for key `k` from collection `col`
    '  Returns Empty if there's no such key
    Function KeyValue(col As Collection, k As String)
        On Error Resume Next 'ignore error if no match for `k`
        KeyValue = col.Item(k)
    End Function