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How to extract a list of records with certain criteria met in one table while identifiers extracted from another table?

In Microsoft Excel, I have a table named TableTwo, with fields:

  • tName
  • dDate
  • tStatus

tName is key-identifier of the records.

We extract a list of tName, named tNames, from table TableOne. Then for each tName in tNames, we want to find records from TableTwo that its dDate is the maximum value of corresponding records with this tName, and their tStatus is not Accepted.


tName Category startDate
asset1 cat1
asset2 cat1
asset3 cat1
asset4 cat2
asset5 cat3


tName dDate tStaus
asset1 14010201 Accepted
asset1 13990304 Accepted
asset2 14010420 Accepted
asset3 14020512 Accepted
asset1 14030305 Rejected
asset1 14030306 Accepted
asset1 14030307 Postponed
asset2 14030307 Rejected
asset3 14030307 Accepted
asset4 14030307 Accepted
asset4 14030308 Rejected
asset5 14030309 Accepted
asset2 14030310 Accepted
asset2 14030311 Rejected

Final Results:

tName dDate tStatus
asset1 14030307 Postponed
asset2 14030311 Rejected

I've tried to use LET and Filter function, first finding tNames, then inspecting TableTwo to find records that met criterias.

Image of the tables, and expected results:

Attempt 1 — Output: #N/A

    tNames, FILTER(TableOne[tName],(TableOne[Category]="cat1"),"NoAsset"),
    dDates, TableTwo[dDate],
    tStatuses, TableTwo[tStatus],
    maxDates, MAXIFS(TableTwo[dDate], TableTwo[tName], tNames),
    result, IF((TableTwo[dDate]=maxDates)*(TableTwo[tStatus]<>"Accepted"), TableTwo[tName], ""),
    FILTER(result, result<>"")

Attempt 2 — Output: #Value!

cntr, SEQUENCE(ROWS(tNames)),


  • To get the desired output, here is what you should do, refer the following formula:

    enter image description here

         a, FILTER(TableOne[tName],TableOne[Category]="cat1","NoAsset"),
         b, MAXIFS(TableTwo[dDate],TableTwo[tName],a),
         c, (1-ISNA(XMATCH(TableTwo[dDate]&TableTwo[tName],b&a))),

    In place of 1-ISNA( one can also use ISNUMBER(

    You can also use MMULT() function:

         a, FILTER(TableOne[tName],TableOne[Category]="cat1","NoAsset"),
         b, MAXIFS(TableTwo[dDate],TableTwo[tName],a),
         c, MMULT((TableTwo[tName]=TRANSPOSE(a))*