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How to Append an Executable SUM Formula to Google Sheets Using Python?

I'm writing a Python script that uploads a Polars DataFrame to Google Sheets and formats it accordingly. One of my goals is to create a summary row at the bottom of the table that sums the numerical values for each column.

Currently, I have the following code snippet that successfully constructs a summary row:

# Add a summary row at the end of the data
num_rows = len(data)
total_row = ['Grand Total', ""]
for col in range(2, len(header)):
    total_formula = f'=SUM({chr(65 + col)}2:{chr(65 + col)}{num_rows})'


The problem is, I've encountered an issue where this code creates a string in the grand total row that includes a leading single quote, like this:


This prevents Google Sheets from executing it as a formula.

My Question: How can I modify this code to ensure that it writes an executable formula to Google Sheets without the leading single quote?

Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Additional Context: Packages use include

  • gspread
  • oauth2client
  • polars
  • gspread-formatting

Data Structure: I’m using a Polars DataFrame to manage my data before uploading it to Google Sheets. Thank you!


  • The default value_input_option is set to RAW in gspread's append_row method. The input data won't be parsed, if set to RAW according to sheets API. Set it to USER_ENTERED:

    new_sheet.append_row(total_row, value_input_option='USER_ENTERED')


    new_sheet.append_row(total_row, value_input_option=gspread.utils.ValueInputOption.user_entered)