I'm curious whether a fullscreen SwapChainPanel
gets optimized by Fullscreen optimizations:
To get back this performance overhead, we enhanced the DWM to recognize when a game is running in a borderless full screen window with no other applications on the screen. In this circumstance, the DWM gives control of the display and almost all the CPU/GPU power to the game
I came across this article
which talks about direct scanouts
and independent flips iflips
as opposed to composition by DWM using 3D graphics. I'm going to read it and report back in.
I'm also curious whether using DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM
has any consequences for present efficiency.
Shawn also recommends
Check out the PresentMon tool to get insight into which of the above was used.
in his article https://devblogs.microsoft.com/directx/dxgi-flip-model/
SpecialK also will tell you the present mode and they have some good docs
Also confusingly there is a new feature called Hardware Flip queue
which avoids overhead from DXGK (i.e. presenting independently from DXGK), as opposed to iFlip Hardware: Independent Flip
which is independent from DWM (but not DXGK).