I have found everything related to angular material theming, however, it's not the case.
After upgrading Angular 16 to Angular 17 (17.3.10) I cannot import some styles from a specific node_module.
HookWebpackError: Module build failed (from ./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js): Can't find stylesheet to import.
Everything was working fine before the upgrade
Example import: @import '@package/src/components/specific-component';
If the scss file in node_module that I'm trying to import doesn't have any imports inside of it, everything works without any errors, however, if it has - I get provided error.
specific-component.scss (from node_module) - that would give an error, if I tried importing it in my own scss:
@import 'mixins';
.specific-class {
@include something();
specific-component.scss - that works and imports normally as before.
//@import 'mixins';
.specific-class {
color: white;
Anyone encountered something similar and resolved that?
Please try below configuration in your angular.json file (path: projects..architect.build.options.stylePreprocessorOptions)
"stylePreprocessorOptions": {
"includePaths": [