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Basic internal messaging DB design

I am trying to create a basic internal messaging system. The only 'special' consideration is a user can send a message to multiple recipients and a receiver of a message can Reply To All (if applicable). This is what I currently have:

- thread_id
- message_id
- subject
- content
- date_sent
- from (FK to user_id)
- to (FK to user_id(s))

- message_id (FK)
- recipient (FK to user_id, limit one un-read message per thread)
- read (boolean)

Does this DB design seem sufficient for an internal messaging system, or is it lacking anything / any way to improve it?


  • It seems like there's a many-to-many relationship between messages and recipients. I would therefore factor that out into a join table; you may as well put the "read" flag on that join table.

    That would give you something like:

    - thread_id
    - message_id
    - subject
    - content
    - date_sent
    - from (FK to user_id)
    - message_id (FK)
    - recipient (FK to user_id)
    - read (boolean)

    Your requirement to show only one unread message for a thread is a display issue, and I'd keep it out of the database. In your front-end code, you'd have logic to show the lesser of the actual number of unread messages and 1 when calculating the number of unread messages to show.

    To find all recipients for a message (so you can do "reply all"), you need to join to the MESSAGE_RECIPIENT table, as follows:

    select u.email_address
    from   users u, 
           message m, 
           message_recipient mr
    where  u.user_id   = mr.recipient
    and    mr.message_id = m.message_id
    and    m.message_id  = $whateverYourCurrentMessageIDis

    (apologies for the archaic join syntax)