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MySQL query next sequence number for MYSQL auto-incremented field

In MySQL, is it possible to query the next number in sequence for an auto-incrementing field?

For a table called projects, the primary key for the table, project_id, is an auto-incrementing field. Before inserting a new row, I wish to know what number the project_id will be assigned.

How can I query that?


  • Rid is correct. This question appears to be a duplicate of Finding the next available id in MySQL

    In that thread, user Eimantas provided the working solution I used. Reproduced here for convenience:

    SELECT Auto_increment FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name='the_table_you_want';

    Note that you cannot write:

    ...WHERE table_name=`the_table_you_want`...

    since backticks indicate a column name, not a table name.


    Future readers are advised to note Gavin's comment (eggyal's answer) regarding race conditions (that is: another DB entry happening a split second before yours and "stealing" the ID you thought you would get).

    If race conditions are even a remote possibility, using LAST_INSERT_ID() as described by eggyal is recommended over the method described in this answer.

    Nonetheless, this answer is useful in many legitimate situations, including: learning/study situations, dev testing situations, low-user/low-use databases, etc.