I have an issue, where I have to purge folders,
the name of the folders are most of the time formated and I did a script in powershell to do that.
But I understood that even if I do :
Get-ChildItem -Path $array[2] -Recurse -Directory
the command will check every item in every folder even if that is not a folder, and that is leading to some hours to get every folder path.
how should I do to permit that to perform in term of time ?
here is a part of the script
foreach ($line in Get-Content ".\Exe-Purge-directories.txt") {
$array = $line.Split("|")
$deleteType = $array[0]
$sdate = [int]$array[1] * -1 # nb de jour a retrancher ( nb negatif)
$expiredDate = (Get-Date).AddDays($sdate) # today + date a retrancher
$folders = Get-ChildItem -Path $array[2] -Recurse -Directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#the line above is the one taking time
$pathException = Get-ChildItem -Path $array[2] -File #-Force #-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($deleteType.Equals("DateTimeInFolderName")) {
foreach ($folder in $folders) {
if ($folder.Name -match '^\d{4}-\d{2}$')
# .....
thanks to your advices, I have done a recursive function. here it is, I know it's not perfect, but if someone gets to have the same problem, here what worked for me as my folders name have formatted name
function Recursive-FolderSearch {
param (
foreach ($Path in $Paths) {
if ((Test-Path $Path -PathType Container) -and (Split-Path $Path -Leaf) -match '^\d{4}-\d{2}$') {
$folderDays = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Attributes Directory
foreach ($folderDay in $folderDays) {
if ($folderDay.Name -match '^\d{2}$') {# if folder respect format DD
# concat folder AAAA-MM and folder format DD to get complete date
$dateDossier = [datetime]::ParseExact("$(Split-Path $Path -Leaf)-$($folderDay.Name)", "yyyy-MM-dd", $null)
if ($dateDossier -lt $expiredDate) { #compare folder date with actual date
# then suppress folder if older than requested
Remove-Item -Path $folderDay.FullName -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#Supprimer le dossier AAAA-MM s'il est vide
if (-not (Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )) { #| Where-Object { $_. PSIsContainer -eq $true }
Remove-Item -Path $Path -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
elseif (Test-Path $Path -PathType Container) {
$subDirs = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Attributes Directory -Force
foreach ($subDir in $subDirs) {
Recursive-FolderSearch -Paths $subDir.FullName $expiredDate