I store imports for my favourite modules in a myFavMods.ps1
Import-Module a
Import-Module b
When running it like this the modules are not available in my session:
> ./myFavMods.ps1
> funFromModuleA
funFromModuleA: The term 'funFromModuleA' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program.
Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
When running it using the .
operator it works:
> . ./myFavMods.ps1
> funFromModuleA
Hurray this is funFromModuleA reporting!
Is it possible to have funFromModuleA
available regardless of how I execute my script?
Is it possible to Import-Module -Scope 'GlobalGlobalAllTheWayUp'
I am aware of PowerShell profiles but I would like my favourite modules only available when imported explicitly.
I could use $MyInvocation.Line
to check if the script is being invoke with a .
but I would rather have it work always regardless of the way of invocation.
Import-Module -Scope
This can only be used to narrow down the scope to Local
For this you might consider to create a module manifest that includes all your "funFrom" modules:
function funFromModuleA { 'Fun from module A.'}
Export-ModuleMember -Function funFromModuleA
function funFromModuleB { 'Fun from module B.'}
Export-ModuleMember -Function funFromModuleB
The following command creates a new module manifest at .\myFavMods\myFavMods.psd1
that exposes the conserned nested modules:
New-ModuleManifest .\myFavMods\myFavMods.psd1 -NestedModules '.\a.psm1', '.\b.psm1'
In case you want to invoke the "funFrom" module from a PowerShell Script (.ps1
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\myFavMods -Global
Fun from module A.