I am using ag-charts for my project. This is an example from the internet, what is very similar to my code:
import { AgChartOptions, AgCharts } from "ag-charts-community";
const options: AgChartOptions = {
container: document.getElementById("myChart"),
data: [
{ os: "Windows", share: 0.88 },
{ os: "macOS", share: 0.094 },
{ os: "Linux", share: 0.187 },
title: {
text: "Desktop Operating Systems",
series: [
type: "bar",
xKey: "os",
yKey: "share",
axes: [
type: "category",
position: "bottom",
label: {
formatter: ({ value }) => {
return value == "Windows" ? "== Windows ==" : value;
type: "number",
position: "left",
label: {
formatter: (params) => {
return params.value * 100 + "%";
const chart = AgCharts.create(options);
But I want to change the color of the columns separately! How is it possible? I tried to use series for each column and then the 'fill' property, which is works, but then I am not able to write out the x axis labels...
please help me!
Inside the series array, we have a property itemStyler
, which we can use to switch the color programatically, I use a color map, to fetch the values based on the label.
Property Docs...
const colorMap = {
"Windows": 'red',
"macOS": 'green',
"Linux": 'yellow',
series: [
type: "bar",
xKey: "os",
yKey: "share",
itemStyler: (dataItem: any) => {
const color = colorMap[dataItem.datum.os];
return { fill: color };
import { AgChartOptions, AgCharts } from "ag-charts-community";
import { getData } from "./data";
const colorMap = {
"Windows": 'red',
"macOS": 'green',
"Linux": 'yellow',
const options: AgChartOptions = {
container: document.getElementById("myChart"),
data: [
{ os: "Windows", share: 0.88 },
{ os: "macOS", share: 0.094 },
{ os: "Linux", share: 0.187 },
title: {
text: "Desktop Operating Systems",
series: [
type: "bar",
xKey: "os",
yKey: "share",
itemStyler: (dataItem: any) => {
const color = colorMap[dataItem.datum.os];
return {fill: color};
axes: [
type: "category",
position: "bottom",
label: {
formatter: ({ value }) => {
return value == "Windows" ? "== Windows ==" : value;
type: "number",
position: "left",
label: {
formatter: (params) => {
return params.value * 100 + "%";
const chart = AgCharts.create(options);