I'm trying to take a file with a whole bunch of text in a JSON file, and mass-edit the thing with Find & Replace rather than going through it line-by-line and copy+pasting the changes I want to make.
So for example, if I have a list of fruits and I want to simplify what type of tree it's grouped under then I would take this:
"Fruit And Veg\\Fruits\\Apples - fuji apple": {
"group": "Fuji apple tree"
"Fruit And Veg\\Fruits\\Apples - granny smith": {
"group": "GrannySmith tree"
"Fruit And Veg\\Fruits\\Pears - nashi": {
"group": "Nashi tree"
"Fruit And Veg\\Fruits\\Pears - concorde": {
"group": "concorde pear tree"
and have the find-and-replace tool change it to this:
"Fruit And Veg\\Fruits\\Apples - fuji apple": {
"group": "Apple Tree"
"Fruit And Veg\\Fruits\\Apples - granny smith": {
"group": "Apple Tree"
"Fruit And Veg\\Fruits\\Pears - nashi": {
"group": "Pear Tree"
"Fruit And Veg\\Fruits\\Pears - concorde": {
"group": "Pear Tree"
I want to have it search for a string of text within line 1 (in this case, Apples
or Pears
), then replace the contents of line 2 (so the line matches the Apple Tree or Pear Tree group, as applicable), and make no changes to line 3, for each entry in the file.
I understand I would need to run a Find & Replace for Apples and Pears separately, and that's okay, but I'm not sure how to make this work.
At the moment, I think the file has the text I'm using to search only as plurals - but if that turns out not to be the case, is there a way for me to specify the Find part of the Find&Replace to be looking for "\\Apple
" (to include the previous characters) instead of searching for "Apple
" or "Apples
I've tried looking at other questions here, to see if I can find an identical issue, but haven't had much luck with that - and while I've been trying to figure out how to use ^.* \r\n $1, etc. from examples given on those pages on Stack Overflow, I don't really know what I'm doing at all. Even with 'Search Mode - Regular Expression', and toggling on '. matches newline', most of the things I've tried so far have either resulted in "Find: Can't find the text" or "Find: Invalid regular expression".
Fruit And Veg.+?(?:(Apple)|(Pear))s?.+\R.+?"group": \K".+tree"
(?1"Apple Tree")(?2"Pear Tree")
. matches newline
Fruit And Veg # literally
.+? # 1 or more any character, not greedy
(?: # non capture group
(Apple) # group 1, Apples
| # OR
(Pear) # group 2, Pears
) # end group
s? # optional s
.+ # 1 or more any character
\R # any kind of linebreak
.+? # 1 or more any character, not greedy
"group": # literally
\K # forget all we have seen until this position
".+tree" # 1 or more character and tree
(?1"Apple Tree") # if group 1 exists, pur Apple Tree
(?2"Pear Tree") # if group 2 exists, put Pear Tree
Screenshot (before):
Screenshot (after):