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Anyone know of a good LinkedDictionary/Hashed LinkedList?

I am in need of a Generic collection that is somewhere in between a Dictionary and LinkedList. I want to be able to:

  • Access elements by key
  • Access previous and next elements

I've taken a look at the provided Generic collections as well as the specialized collections. I haven't really found what I'm looking for, the closest collections were OrderedDictionary and SortedDictionary.

A quick Google found the following potential collections:

Each seems like it could be a good fit. However, I wanted to ask the gurus at SO what their suggestions would be.

So gurus, what are your suggestions? Have you used these collections or other collections to accomplish these or related goals? Is there something blatantly obvious that I should be looking at and am just missing?


  • I think you found your own answer; C5 is good library and has what you are looking for, it has great documentation and tests. Oh, and it's available via Nuget.