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Migrating code from MSGraph V5.6 to MSGraph V6 in java

I got multiple methods i developed in graph v5.6 But now i need to update them to v6.x i am stuck with these 2 methods

One to update metdada data of a file i found by query

    protected static synchronized FieldValueSet postTagsToFile(GraphServiceClient graphClient, String driveId, String fileId, Map<String, String> metadata){
        metadata.forEach((s, s2) -> {
            if (!s2.isEmpty())
                System.out.println(s + " : " + s2);
        FieldValueSet fieldValueSet = new FieldValueSet();
        metadata.forEach((key, value) -> fieldValueSet.additionalDataManager().put(key, new JsonPrimitive(value)));
        return graphClient.drives(driveId).items(fileId).listItem().fields().buildRequest().patch(fieldValueSet);

Problem is that in the graph v6.x examples i need to have the list Id to update this, and i dont know how to have access to the listId in this method.

And one to upload a file to a location

    public static String uploadFileToSharedSP(String fileName,String mimeType, String fileContent, String location) throws IOException {
        DriveItem newItem = new DriveItem(); = fileName;
        newItem.file = new;
        newItem.file.mimeType = mimeType;
        DriveRequestBuilder driverReq = graphClient.sites(SHARED_SITE_ID).drive();
        DriveItemRequestBuilder driverRootReq = driverReq.root();
        DriveItemRequestBuilder destination = driverRootReq.itemWithPath(location);
        DriveItem createdDriveItem = destination.children().buildRequest().post(newItem);
        return createdDriveItem.webUrl+"?web=1";

in this i dont know how to post the new file with the content to the location in the new api

There is no example i can find that i can follow.

I have been searching all online but i dont seem to be able to find a way to do this.


  • i was able to update the first one like this

        public static synchronized FieldValueSet postTagsToFile(GraphServiceClient graphClient, String driveId, String fileId, Map<String, String> metadata){
            ListItemRequestBuilder listItemReq = graphClient.drives().byDriveId(driveId).items().byDriveItemId(fileId).listItem();
            ListItem listItem = listItemReq.get();
            metadata.forEach((s, s2) -> {
                if (!s2.isEmpty())
                    System.out.println(s + " : " + s2);
            FieldValueSet fieldValueSet = new FieldValueSet();
            SharepointIds sharepointIds = listItem.getSharepointIds();
            FieldValueSet result = graphClient.sites()
            return result;

    My error was that i did not know that there is a new Propertie in the list item, that i could use to get the listId that the item belongs to, and with that i can post and update the fields.

    and the second one my mistake was not adding a : at the end of the path

    public static String uploadFileToSharedSP(String fileName,String mimeType, String fileContent, String location) throws Exception {
        Drive drive = graphClient.sites().bySiteId(SHARED_SITE_ID).drive().get();
        String destination = location+"/"+fileName;
        DriveItemUploadableProperties properties = new DriveItemUploadableProperties();
        properties.getAdditionalData().put("@microsoft.graph.conflictBehavior", "replace");
        CreateUploadSessionPostRequestBody uploadSessionRequest = new CreateUploadSessionPostRequestBody();
        UploadSession uploadSession = graphClient.drives()
        int maxSliceSize = 1_000_000;
        InputStream uploadStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(fileContent.getBytes());
        long streamSize = fileContent.getBytes().length;
        LargeFileUploadTask<DriveItem> largeFileUploadTask = new LargeFileUploadTask<>(
        IProgressCallback callback = (current, max) ->"Uploaded {} bytes of {} total bytes", current, max);
        UploadResult<DriveItem> uploadResult = largeFileUploadTask.upload(5, callback);
        if (uploadResult.isUploadSuccessful()) {
            String itemId = uploadResult.itemResponse.getId();
            String webUrl = uploadResult.itemResponse.getWebUrl();
  "Upload successful. itemId: {}, webUrl: {}", itemId, webUrl);
            return webUrl+"?web=1";
        } else {
            logger.error("For Upload failed to {}", destination);
            throw new IOException("To: "+destination+", Upload failed");