I am having issues with duplicate headers and no idea how to fix.
In layout 1 (root layout), I simply turn off headers for the (tabs)
<Stack.Screen name="(tabs)" options={{ headerShown: false }} />
In layout 2 (tabs layout), I keep headers on for all screens and assign them a title (which is displayed in the first "layer" of headers):
title: "Websites",
In layout 3 (sub-route layout, e.g. for "websites"),
route (e.g. "/websites") so I don't see duplicate headers there, and<Stack>
headerShown: false
options={{ headerTitle: "Website" }}
I am aware that the syntax varies and I have Tabs.Screen
in one layout and Stack.Screen
in another, but I'd assume they both manipulate the same object.
What happens is that
For example on iOS, instead the "Website" header pushing "Websites" to the left for displaying a specific "Website", it simply displays the second header underneath.
What would be the correct way to configure this?
I believe this is the expected behavior for layouts. Layouts are nested inside one another and they show their own headers.
If you have Tabs -> Stacks
layouts, there will be two headers shown by default.
Modifying {headerShown: boolean}
will only turn on/off header for current layout, it won't affect the outer layouts.
So when u set {headerShown: false}
inside <Stack.Screen name="index" />
, it only hide the Stack's header, not the one from tabs.