I have a stores table. Some fields are name,website,description,etc.
I have an autosuggest search bar. I want to match input and display some related stores. Right now it works perfectly matching user input with a LIKE statement for name.
$input = $_GET["q"];
$data = array();
// query your DataBase here looking for a match to $input
include_once "scripts/connect_to_mysql.php";
$query = mysql_query("SELECT name,linklabel,permalink FROM tblMerchants WHERE name LIKE '%$input%'");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
$json = array();
$json['name'] = ucwords($row['linklabel']);
$json['value'] = $row['permalink'];
$data[] = $json;
echo json_encode($data);
However, I'm trying to match user input with multiple fields in the table. I'm trying the following and it isn't working:
SELECT linklabel,permalink
FROM tblMerchants
WHERE name LIKE '%$input%'
OR website LIKE '%$input%'
OR description LIKE '%$input%'
Trying to figure this out. Any input is appreciated!
Sorry, should have mentioned this. By not working I mean that when using the multiple LIKE statement its still only returning results that are like 'name'
s and and
s are notorius in not playing well with each others.
Use parentherses to clarify, e.g.
SELECT linklabel,permalink
FROM tblMerchants WHERE
(name LIKE '%$input%') OR
(website LIKE '%$input%') OR
(description LIKE '%$input%')
Otherwise it can be trying to guess and do things like
SELECT linklabel,permalink
FROM tblMerchants WHERE
name LIKE ('%$input%' OR
website LIKE '%$input%') OR
(description LIKE '%$input%')
I don't don;t if the above is an actual query that it would try, but basically the way it would combine/chain them could be 'undefined' and subject to interpretation.