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Picker values localization in MAUI

What is a right way to localize picker values in MAUI? So far I have only one idea:

Use LocalizationResourceManager.Maui. But for picker values it doesn't work when app localization has been changed untill app restart.

    ItemsSource="{Binding NativeLanguageSetting.Options}"
    SelectedItem ="{Binding NativeLanguageSetting.Picked, Mode=TwoWay}"
    ItemDisplayBinding="{localization:TranslateBinding Localization, TranslateValue=True}"
    Style="{DynamicResource SettingPicker}">

Is there any way to do it right in MAUI? Because the whole app follows culture change and translates accordingly except of pickers. It looks like there should be a way to do it elegantly.


  • I posted an answer to your issue on the maui discussion

    The problem is that Picker.ItemDisplayBinding is caching its results so it will not see the changes coming from the Binding. To tickle it, update Picker.ItemDisplayBinding itself. I did this by porting your TranslateBinding to the view model as follows.

    ItemDisplayBinding="{Binding DisplayBinding}"

    Then whenever the language changes I raise OnPropertyChanged(nameof(DisplayBinding)). The implementation of DisplayBinding in your view model becomes like this:

        public BindingBase DisplayBinding { get; } = new Binding("Localization", converter: new TranslateConverter());
        internal class TranslateConverter : IValueConverter
            public object? Convert(object? value, Type targetType, object? parameter, CultureInfo culture)
                => (value is string s) ? PickerLocalizationIssue.Resources.Localization.AppResources.ResourceManager.GetString(s) : null;
            public object? ConvertBack(object? value, Type targetType, object? parameter, CultureInfo culture)
                => throw new NotImplementedException();

    Have a look at the PR I raised: