Search code examples

How to select only nodes having a relative satisfying some property?

Imagine the following situation:

INSERT INTO dog (id, age) VALUES ("mr_whaf", 8), ("mrs_whaf", 3), ("whaf_jr", 0), ("whaf_whaf", 1);
RELATE [dog:mr_whaf, dog:mrs_whaf]->parent_of->dog:whaf_jr;
RELATE dog:mrs_whaf->parent_of->dog:whaf_whaf;

I would like to select only dogs having a parent aged more than 5.

Here is where I am stuck:

SELECT id,age, <-parent_of<-(dog WHERE age > 5).* AS parents FROM dog WHERE age < 2;
-- Query 1 (execution time: 271.399µs)
        age: 0,
        id: dog:whaf_jr,
        parents: [
                age: 8,
                id: dog:mr_whaf
        age: 1,
        id: dog:whaf_whaf,
        parents: []

I would like only whaf_jr to appear in the answer.

SELECT id,age, <-parent_of<-(dog WHERE age > 5).* AS parents FROM dog WHERE age < 2 AND count(parents) > 0;
-- Query 1 (execution time: 156.688µs)

SELECT id,age, <-parent_of<-(dog WHERE age > 5).* AS parents FROM dog WHERE age < 2 AND parents.len() > 0;
-- Query 1 (execution time: 167.568µs)
'There was a problem running the len() function. no such method found for the none type'

Any ideas will be appreciated.


  • Nice example! One quick way is to wrap this in return and filtering on the array:

    (SELECT id,age, <-parent_of<-(dog WHERE age > 5).* AS parents FROM dog WHERE age < 2)[WHERE parents];

    WHERE parents goes into the parents field to see if it is truthy or not (truthy = not NONE, NULL, or an empty value).