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Sorting a list based on custom comparator while not changing the place of negative numbers

Sorting a list of integers except negative numbers in java , negative numbers indexes should remain same I tried to achieve above condition using a custom comparator but it fails


Input list -
Output list -
Output expected -

What's wrong with above comparator based approach? Can this problem be resolved using comparator?


  • Good instinct in trying to solve your problem using existing libraries instead of re-inventing the wheel^^.

    In your case, regrettably, you need to allocate a new List of the elements you actually want to sort before you can use List.sort.

    Where you can read up: While you formally defined a "Comparator", you did not fulfil the contract a java Comparator is always expected to fulfil. What you must implement is the compare function, which has to "ensure that compare(x, y)==0 implies that signum(compare(x, z))==signum(compare(y, z)) for all z.". Yours does not do this: signum(compare(1, -1) = 0, but signum(compare(1,2))!=signum(compare(-1,2).

    What you need to understand: What you give the List.sort() as an argument, is not an instruction on how to react when it decides if to reorder two elements or not, you give it a description of the desired output, which has to be a total ordering. When you tell List.sort (a,b)->1, this means "in the desired output I want to see all occurences of b before all occurences of a". You can't describe your desired output in such a way, it just is no total ordering of Integers, so can't be expressed by a Comparator.