What I'm looking to do is create and write all my methods in my view model file, and only place code in the code-behind file for functions that are automatically generated like SfDataGrid_SelectionChanged and other similar functions. So when I'm writting code in a view model file and if I need access to the page's control and its properties how do I get it? At this point, I have the BindingContext code in the view file looking like this:
<viewmodel:MainViewModel x:Name="vm"/>
The name of the content page is MainPage.cs. Now in the MainPage.cs content page there is a control called grpList. So in the MainViewModel.cs file I try entering
Groups row = (Groups)grpList.SelectedRow;
and grpList isn't even found when I'm writing in the view model. However, if I write this in the content page's code-behind file, it is found and I have no problem.
So how can I access the page's controls and their properties from that pages view model?
You bind the properties of your view model to your controls. A view model is not meant to have knowledge of the view and its controls.
So if you want the SelectedRow, you create a property in your view model and you bind to that property from your view.