Previously my project had Hystrix for timeouts. Since after Spring Boot upgrade it turned out that Hystrix is no longer supported/developed I needed alternative. One alternative seems to be Resilience4j but I get io.github.resilience4j.timelimiter.configure.IllegalReturnTypeException
with it.
Example from Hystrix:
@HystrixCommand(commandProperties = {@HystrixProperty(name = TIMEOUT, value = "60000")})
public List<CustomBlahClass> getBlaBlaBla(...) {
If I now replace @HystrixCommand(...)
with @TimeLimiter(name = "myTimeLimiter")
I get error:
io.github.resilience4j.timelimiter.configure.IllegalReturnTypeException: package.CustomBlahClass package.MyService#getBlaBlaBla has unsupported by @TimeLimiter return type. CompletionStage expected.
When I searched this issue I found that methods need to be of type CompletableFuture<T>
Is refactoring all methods in all services to return CompletableFuture really the only option or am I missing something?
Yeah so this is poorly documented but it looks like Resiliance4j TimeLimiters only support Futures or CompletionStages.
Alternatives appear to be using webflux and setting the async timeout property.