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Calculate percentage of rows containing a string, grouped by month

I would like to calculate the percentage of invoices that contain the word "bend", grouped by month. I have the following sample data in Excel:

Date Invoice Number Line Item
08/01/2024 100 Cut material
08/01/2024 100 Cut and bend
09/01/2024 200 Part ABC
09/01/2024 201 Part DEF
10/01/2024 300 Cut and bend
10/01/2024 300 Bend parts
10/03/2024 301 Cut only

The resulting output should be something like:

Month Percent with bend
08/2024 100%
09/2024 0%
10/2024 50%

I could add a column searching for the word "bend", and then create a PivotTable to get unique Invoice Numbers and whether or not any of their Line Items contain "bend". However, I don't know how to use this to calculate the percent of invoice numbers containing bend grouped by month.


  • I chose to put the unique months in F2 using a separate formula:


    And the main formula in G2:


    enter image description here

    Or if you prefer a single formula:
