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Difference between TextToSpeech.addEarcon() and TextToSpeech.addSpeech()

I just started working on Android's TextToSpeech API and I came accros two methods which seem to be exactly the same namely:

TextToSpeech.addEarcon() : Adds a mapping between a string of text and a sound resource in a package. Use this to add custom earcons.


TextToSpeech.addSpeech() : Adds a mapping between a string of text and a sound resource in a package. After a call to this method, subsequent calls to speak(java.lang.CharSequence, int, android.os.Bundle, java.lang.String) will play the specified sound resource if it is available, or synthesize the text it is missing.


  • Earcons are not meant to convey detailed information but rather to provide auditory signals or cues.

    That is why both methods exist in the Android API: They don't serve the same purpose.

    • Use TextToSpeech.addSpeech() when you want the TTS engine to recognize and vocalize a specific phrase or sentence when prompted.
    • Use TextToSpeech.addEarcon() when you want to create audio feedback for specific actions or states within your application, like alerts, notifications, or simple cues. It can only be played via TextToSpeech.playEarcon(), i.e. not via via TextToSpeech.speak(). As such it cannot be tracked via UtteranceProgressListener.

    Note: The sound added by either addSpeech() or addEarcon() cannot be played back as part of phrase/sentence. That is, it can only be played when passed as a single word as parameter. For example, for:

    tts.addSpeech("haha", "", R.raw.haha);

    the following works:

    tts.speak("haha", TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, null);

    but the following won't work (by design)

    tts.speak("haha what a funny joke", TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, null);

    Lastly, postpone this mapping of texts (i.e. via addSpeech() or addEarcon()) to the point TTS is successfully initialized (i.e. onInit()), as highlighted in this SO answer: