I am developing an ASP.NET application using domain-driven design. It will be used by a React web site as the front end.
In the canonical DDD approach, should the ASP.NET project serve as our application layer, or should I add another, separate project to be application layer for the project?
For now I am using ASP.NET project as an application layer, but I am not sure.
I understand that the React web site will be the presentation layer.
Thank you :)
In my opinion, you could use a separate asp.net core web api as the application layer and the react as the presentation layer is OK. Since if you are using the react, inside the server side using a web api is a good choice to provide the rest api for the react.
But for design the whole project, you need firstly consider what's the requirement(business) you want to manage, since the DDD advocates modeling based on the reality of business as relevant to your use cases. In the context of building applications, DDD talks about problems as domains.
Then according to these domains(businuess requirement)' decide which technology you want to use.