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How to set Kogito KIE Data Type Constraint expressions with Regex Expression?

VS Code has a plugin called KIE DMN Editor which allows one to build DMN models.

The model allows for the setting of constraints on Data Types. In the modal, one can select a constraint type of "Expression".

The modal provides a link to the DMN Spec at .

I have tried numerous different expressions and none of them work.

I am trying to match the value coming in a JSON. Ultimately, a UTC date in a string. When that failed, I tried matching a single digit in a string, but that failed as well.

The expressions I tried had this form:

  • matches("?","\d") --> error "Unable to parse ... Character m is neither a decimal digit ...
  • matches("?","\d") --> error "Unable to parse ... Character m is neither a decimal digit ...
  • matches(?,"\d") --> failed to load in testing environment - Malformed DMN XML formate error
  • matches(fieldVariable,"\d") --> failed to load in testing environment - Malformed DMN XML formate error

How am I to set up this expression with a RegEx style pattern?

Any help appreciated.


  • The attached xml is simple DMN model, that is like ID function, it returns the obtained input as a result. From the screenshot you can notice, null is returned if the input does not meet data type constraint: matches(?, "\d")

    enter image description here enter image description here

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <definitions xmlns="" expressionLanguage="" namespace="" id="_F2FA7703-6CEE-4151-8C9A-E60930142263" name="DMN_70A28027-0959-4657-8B7B-E6C713B9F5A0" xmlns:dmndi="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:di="" xmlns:kie="">
      <itemDefinition id="_728BCE44-9D43-4177-855D-621AC6C33224" name="stringThatMayHaveNumber" isCollection="false" typeLanguage="">
        <typeConstraint id="_28270ECA-5BCF-4343-9B20-A673B8F50ED6" kie:constraintType="expression">
          <text>matches(?, &quot;\d&quot;)</text>
      <inputData name="Text Input" id="_A73A92E5-3CCE-42FB-A38B-06C94764EF54">
        <variable name="Text Input" id="_65D30C93-6003-45A6-9AC3-34382D8231AF" typeRef="stringThatMayHaveNumber" />
      <decision name="Matches Digit" id="_30F833E1-D98F-41E9-A79E-CA5B0CC40AB3">
        <variable id="_0C248365-D835-4908-B099-840B50327C00" typeRef="stringThatMayHaveNumber" name="Matches Digit" />
        <informationRequirement id="_0C45AA36-FDE7-4DE9-A426-EF80EF9998CD">
          <requiredInput href="#_A73A92E5-3CCE-42FB-A38B-06C94764EF54" />
        <literalExpression id="_D48158E1-D2C3-4D63-AD0E-375D5AAF75EC" typeRef="stringThatMayHaveNumber" label="Matches Digit">
          <text>Text Input</text>
        <dmndi:DMNDiagram id="_6F44765F-EDDC-425A-8AB9-146D96A42275" name="Default DRD" useAlternativeInputDataShape="false">
              <kie:ComponentWidths dmnElementRef="_D48158E1-D2C3-4D63-AD0E-375D5AAF75EC">
          <dmndi:DMNShape id="_6B66F754-D1AC-47E3-95E4-839C01EE1BB2" dmnElementRef="_A73A92E5-3CCE-42FB-A38B-06C94764EF54" isCollapsed="false" isListedInputData="false">
            <dc:Bounds x="120" y="140" width="160" height="80" />
          <dmndi:DMNShape id="_6DBD4814-D4FF-4B92-A274-0A5AF69D60C1" dmnElementRef="_30F833E1-D98F-41E9-A79E-CA5B0CC40AB3" isCollapsed="false" isListedInputData="false">
            <dc:Bounds x="460" y="140" width="160" height="80" />
          <dmndi:DMNEdge id="_33417792-146A-4135-B537-302AF23C6E90-AUTO-TARGET" dmnElementRef="_0C45AA36-FDE7-4DE9-A426-EF80EF9998CD" sourceElement="_6B66F754-D1AC-47E3-95E4-839C01EE1BB2" targetElement="_6DBD4814-D4FF-4B92-A274-0A5AF69D60C1">
            <di:waypoint x="200" y="180" />
            <di:waypoint x="540" y="180" />