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How to obtain the name of a bad QueryParam in the custom BadRequest message?

Consider this JAX-RS / RestEasy endpoint:

public Response myEndpoint(@QueryParam("mySuperParam") @NotNull final MyParamType myParam) {
    return ok(myParam.toString());

As you can see this is not a POST query. There is no Json payload. We get the param from the query, as a QueryParam. You can also see that I want to automatically convert the param to a custom type : MyParamType

// Simple wrapper around String. This is simplified for StackOverflow.
public record MyParamType(@Nullable String value) {
    public MyParamType {
        if(value == null)

        // Some custom validation
        if(!value.contains("-")) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Is missing -");

    public String toString() {
        return value;

The conversion is done rather easily with a ParamConverter and its ParamConverterProvider :


public class MyParamConverterProvider implements ParamConverterProvider {

    public <T> ParamConverter<T> getConverter(
        final Class<T> rawType,
        final Type genericType,
        final Annotation[] annotations
    ) {
        if (rawType.isAssignableFrom(MyParamType.class)) {
            try {
                return (ParamConverter<T>) new MyParamConverter();
            } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
                // Here I DO have access to the QueryParam's name
                final @NotNull String paramName = /* extract "mySuperParam" from the annotations just above*/
                // POSSIBLE THROW LOCATION #1
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad param:" + paramName);
        return null;

public class MyParamConverter implements ParamConverter<MyParamType> {

    public MyParamType fromString(final String value) {
        if (value == null) {
            return null;

        try {
            return new MyParamType(value);
        } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
            // Here I do NOT have access to the param's name
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage()); // Rethrowing. Keep reading to know why.

    public @Nullable String toString(final @Nullable MyParamType value) {
        if (value == null) {
            return null;

        return value.toString();

Now I want to catch the IllegalArgumentExceptions and I want to convert them to BadRequest.

I start by writing an ExceptionMapper :


public class MyExceptionMapper implements ExceptionMapper<BadRequestException> {

    public Response toResponse(final BadRequestException exception) {
        return Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST)
                       .entity("I wish I had the param name to show you!")

As per documentation, RestEasy will only let me apply ExceptionMapper<> on an exception that is a WebApplicationException (For example, ExceptionMapper<IllegalArgumentException> gets ignored).

Nevermind then, all I have to do is to replace any of the two throw new IllegalArgumentException(...) from above with throw new BadRequestException(...).

Problem : none of the two locations is entirely satisfactory

  • If I throw a BadRequestException in "POSSIBLE THROW LOCATION #2" then its gets caught by the exception mapper but I do not have access to the parameter's name.
  • It's not possible to throw from "POSSIBLE THROW LOCATION #1" because RestEasy will never enter that catch block! Any exception thrown in POSSIBLE LOCATION #2 gets caught by RestEasy and converted to some HTTP Response.

What is the proper way of returning a custom HTTP400 message that contains the name of the faulty QueryParam after my custom validation threw an exception?

Note: I could pass the annotations to the constructor of MyParamConverter but my instinct tells me that there's a more standard solution that I'm missing.


  • There really isn't a way to get the parameter name in Jakarta REST or RESTEasy. The ParamConverter is catching the exception and throwing a new one. You've got two options.

    1. Pass in the parameter name as you suggest into MyParamConverter.
    2. Instead of using an IllegalArgumentException, create a new exception like ParameterViolationException which contains the parameter name.