I am accessing GitHub via Chrome/Brave. To change the family and size of the fonts of the code on GitHub I am using Refined GitHub chrome extension. The article I followed is: Customize GitHub's code font
All was going well, but now the font are rendered in the default GitHub style instead of the one I was using.
I am still able to render my expected font-style in this window:
But when I navigate to one of the files containing the source code, I get this:
Also, I tried to tweak the CSS stored in Refined GitHub extension, but it didn't work.
How do I start rendering my font style again using Refined GitHub?
Because of the double dots before the react-code-text
..react-code-text, .react-code-lines, pre, code, .blob-code, .blob-code-content, .blob-code-marker, .react-blob-print-hide {
font-family: 'JetBrains Mono', monospace !important;
.react-code-text, .react-code-lines, pre, code, .blob-code, .blob-code-content, .blob-code-marker, .react-blob-print-hide {
font-family: 'JetBrains Mono', monospace !important;
font-size: 14px;