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Use pipeThrough/pipeTo to transform then stream to Azure Blob

I'm trying to stream some data from an API, transform it, then upload to Azure blob using an Azure function. The limitation I face using Azure Blobstore is that there's no 'writeStream', only uploadStream. There's no obvious point in the pipeline to upload to a stream.

Example -

   function MyWriter(writer) {
      return new WritableStream({
        write(chunk) {

    export const generate = async (iterable) => { 
      await ReadableStream.from(iterable);
        .pipeThrough(new TextDecoderStream())
        .pipeThrough(new MyTransformer())
        .pipeThrough(new CompressionStream('gzip'))

    /*. await blockBlobClient.uploadStream(); */

Am i missing something obvious?

Azure upload stream docs -

Tried various combinations of pipelining, but there's no obvious point to upload the stream.


  • Missed the type on the Azure docs. Use Readable.fromWeb to convert from ReadableStream to Readable to stream to Azure Blobstore, no write method needed.

      const readableStream = ReadableStream.from(myIterable);
            .pipeThrough(new TextDecoderStream())
            .pipeThrough(new MyTransformer())
            .pipeThrough(new CompressionStream('gzip'));
      await blockBlobClient.uploadStream(