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Subversive Reject Credentials

I recently switched from Subclipse to Subversive, and I'm running into some roadbumps. Specifically, Subversive seems to have a much less flexible authentication mechanism. Subclipse would store my credentials, and if I entered them incorrectly, or if they had been changed on the server, it would re-prompt me for my login. Subversive doesn't seem to do this, and instead will continue to use my old invalid login, and simply show a popup with SVN error:

Some of selected resources were not committed.
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Negotiate authentication failed: 'No valid credentials provided'

Unfortunately, Google hasn't been much help with finding workarounds for this error. How do I clear my old SVN login and re-enter it with Subversive?


  • Almost all Subversion clients try to adhere to the standards set by the native command line client. This client stores the authentication infos in

    %APPDATA%/Subversion/auth/    // on Windows
    ~/.subversion/auth            // on Unix&Co

    More details on Client Credentials can be found in the Subversion book.

    Although most subversion clients try to use existing data they have nevertheless different code bases interpreting this data. This means, that an ultra-new version of command line client might use authentication methods not supported by your version of Subversive. The same is true for the way in which the information is stored within these files.

    On the bright side: Usually clients don't overwrite existing files without need and they can read files written by older clients.

    So a possible solution is to let the oldest client write this information, the newer clients will read it without modifying it.

    This helped me once to bring the command line client, the client used by the ant task and the Eclipse client "together".

    But whether this helps in your situation or not is another thing. For a first check you could backup and delete the mentioned directories and give it a try.