Search code examples

Module '"react-hook-form"' has no exported member 'FieldPath'.ts(2305)

I am writing a data provider for a react admin. While writing the function for the getList function in the data provider. I am getting these errors:

Property 'page' does not exist on type 'PaginationPayload | undefined'.ts(2339)
Property 'perPage' does not exist on type 'PaginationPayload | undefined'.ts(2339)

Further I went to the PaginationPayload definition in types.ts it was also alright as below:

export interface PaginationPayload {
    page: number;
    perPage: number;

There in the types.ts file i saw an import error like this:

Module '"react-hook-form"' has no exported member 'FieldPath'.ts(2305)

What should I do?

import { stringify } from "query-string";
import { DataProvider, fetchUtils} from "react-admin";

const httpsClient = fetchUtils.fetchJson;
const url = process.env.API_URL;

const dataProvider : DataProvider = {
  getList: async (resource, params) => {
    const {page, perPage} = params.pagination;
    const {field, order} = params.sort;

    const response = await httpsClient(`${url}/${resource}?offset=${page}&limit=${perPage}&sort_by=${field}&order_by=${order}`);

    return {
      data: response.json,
      total: parseInt(response.headers.get("x-total-count") || '', 10), //replace with the header field which represents the total count in our api

  getOne: async (resource , params) => {
    const response = await httpsClient(`${url}/${resource}/${}`);
    return { data: response.json };

  getMany: async (resource, params) => {
    const query = {
      filter: JSON.stringify({ids:}),
    const response = await httpsClient(`${url}/${resource}?${stringify(query)}`);

      data: response.json,

  getManyReference: async (resource, params) => {
    const {page, perPage} = params.pagination;
    const {field, order} = params.sort;
    const query = {
      sort : JSON.stringify([field, order]),
      range : JSON.stringify([page, page + perPage]),
      filter : JSON.stringify({
        [] :,

    const response = await httpsClient(`${url}/${resource}?${stringify(query)}`);
    return {
      data: response.json,
      total: parseInt(response.headers.get('x-total-count') || '', 10),

  create: async(resource, params)=>{
    const response = await httpsClient(`${url}/${resource}`, {
      body: JSON.stringify(,
    return {data: response.json};

  update: async(resource, params) =>{
    const response = await httpsClient(`${url}/${resource}/${}`, {
      body: JSON.stringify(,

    return {data: response.json};

  updateMany: async(resource, params) => {
    const query = {
      filter: JSON.stringify({ids: params.ids}),

    const response = await httpsClient(`${url}/${resource}/${query}`,{
      method: 'PUT',
      body: JSON.stringify(,

    return {data: response.json};

  delete: async(resource, params) =>{
    const response = await httpsClient(`${url}/${resource}/${}`, {

    return { data:response.json };

  deleteMany: async(resource, params) => {
    const query = {
      filter: JSON.stringify({ids: params.ids}),

    const response = await httpsClient(`${url}/${resource}/${query}`, {
      method: 'DELETE'

      data: response.json,



export default dataProvider;


  • I believe the error Module '"react-hook-form"' has no exported member 'FieldPath is unrelated, and originates from you opening a react-admin source file without having installed the required dependencies first.

    If I had to take a wild guess, I'd say your original error Property 'page' does not exist on type 'PaginationPayload | undefined' comes from the fact that you are destructuring params.pagination without verifying if it is defined first.

    You should probably do something like that instead:

    const { page, perPage } = params.pagination || { page: 1, perPage: 10 };