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Implementing PowerQuery in VBA — Errors

I want to automate some PowerQuery data transformation so as to import it, at the click of a button, into a workbook in which I'm doing a whole lot of other stuff.

This is how I've gone about it... I:

  • imported a CSV file in PowerQuery
  • laid out all my transformations and gotten the result I wanted
  • copied out the resulting M code. Then I:
  • went and opened a new workbook, started the macro recorder
  • fired up the PowerQuery editor
  • added a new blank query
  • changed the query's name to faithfully reflect my test query in the other workbook ("Contractuels", it's called)
  • pasted the previously copied M
  • pressed "Close and Load"
  • stopped the macro recorder, and copied out the result

What I got is this:

Sub ImportPQ()
    ExecuteExcel4Macro _
        "(""Contractuels"",""let" & Chr(10) & "  Source = Csv.Document(File.Contents(""/Users/ari/Nextcloud Nice/CMI/Contractuels.csv""), [Delimiter = "";"", Columns = 15, QuoteStyle = QuoteStyle.None])," & Chr(10) & "  Headers = Table.PromoteHeaders(Source, [PromoteAllScalars = true])," & Chr(10) & "  EstablishedColumnTypes = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Headers, {{""Nom"", type text}, {""Prenom"", type text}, {""Nom" & _
        "_JF"", type text}, {""Date_naissance"", type date}, {""mail_ouvert"", type text}, {""Statut"", type text}, {""Entree_grade"", type date}, {""Echelon"", Int64.Type}, {""Date_echelon"", type date}, {""Rne"", type text}, {""EtabNom"", type text}, {""EtabBassin"", type text}, {""EtabVille"", type text}, {""nbre_heure"", type text}, {""Type_nomination"", type text}}, ""f" & _
        "r-FR"")," & Chr(10) & "  ChangedTypeNbHours = Table.TransformColumnTypes(EstablishedColumnTypes, {{""nbre_heure"", type number}})," & Chr(10) & "  NbContracts = Table.AddColumn(ChangedTypeNbHours, ""REP_SUP"", each if [Type_nomination] = ""REP"" or [Type_nomination] = ""SUP"" then 1 else 0, Int64.Type)," & Chr(10) & "  GroupedTable = Table.Group(NbContracts, {""Nom"", ""Prenom"", ""Nom_JF"", ""Date_naissanc" & _
        "e"", ""mail_ouvert"", ""Entree_grade"", ""Statut"", ""Echelon"", ""Date_echelon""}," & Chr(10) & "    {" & Chr(10) & "      {" & Chr(10) & "        ""Affectation""," & Chr(10) & "        each" & Chr(10) & "          let" & Chr(10) & "            SommeAffectations = List.Sum ([REP_SUP])" & Chr(10) & "          in" & Chr(10) & "            if SommeAffectations > 1 then ""Multiple"" else if SommeAffectations = 1 then ""Unique"" else ""Sans""," & Chr(10) & "        type text" & Chr(10) & "      }," & Chr(10) & "      {" & Chr(10) & " " & _
        "       ""Affectation_principale""," & Chr(10) & "        each" & Chr(10) & "          let" & Chr(10) & "            RepSup = Table.SelectRows (_, each [Type_nomination] = ""REP"" or [Type_nomination] = ""SUP"")," & Chr(10) & "            AffPrinc = Table.Max (RepSup, ""nbre_heure"")" & Chr(10) & "          in" & Chr(10) & "            AffPrinc" & Chr(10) & "      }" & Chr(10) & "    }" & Chr(10) & "  )," & Chr(10) & "  ExpandedAffPrinc = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(GroupedTable, ""Affectation_principale""," & _
        " {""Rne"", ""EtabNom"", ""EtabBassin"", ""EtabVille"", ""nbre_heure""}, {""Rne"", ""EtabNom"", ""EtabBassin"", ""EtabVille"", ""nbre_heure""})," & Chr(10) & "  DetectionCx = Table.AddColumn(ExpandedAffPrinc, ""Cx"", each if [Entree_grade] >= #date((if Date.From(DateTime.LocalNow()) >= #date (Date.Year(DateTime.LocalNow()), 9, 1) then Date.Year(DateTime.LocalNow()) else Date.Year(" & _
        "DateTime.LocalNow()) - 1), 7, 1) then ""C0"" else if [Entree_grade] < #date((if Date.From(DateTime.LocalNow()) >= #date (Date.Year(DateTime.LocalNow()), 9, 1) then Date.Year(DateTime.LocalNow()) else Date.Year(DateTime.LocalNow()) - 1), 7, 1) and [Entree_grade] >= #date((if Date.From(DateTime.LocalNow()) >= #date (Date.Year(DateTime.LocalNow()), 9, 1) then Date.Year" & _
        "(DateTime.LocalNow()) - 1 else Date.Year(DateTime.LocalNow()) - 2), 7, 1) then ""C1"" else if (Duration.Days(DateTime.Date(DateTime.LocalNow())-[Date_echelon]) / 365) > 5 and [Statut]<> ""CDI"" then ""CDIsable"" else """", type text)," & Chr(10) & "  ReorderCx = Table.ReorderColumns(DetectionCx, {""Nom"", ""Prenom"", ""Nom_JF"", ""Date_naissance"", ""mail_ouvert"", ""Entree_grade" & _
        """, ""Cx"", ""Statut"", ""Echelon"", ""Date_echelon"", ""Affectation"", ""Rne"", ""EtabNom"", ""EtabBassin"", ""EtabVille"", ""nbre_heure""})" & Chr(10) & "in" & Chr(10) & "  ReorderCx"")" & _
    With ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(SourceType:=0, Source:= _
        "OLEDB;Provider=Microsoft.Mashup.OleDb.1;Data Source=$Workbook$;Location=Contractuels;Extended Properties=""""" _
        , Destination:=Range("$A$1")).QueryTable
        .CommandType = xlCmdSql
        .CommandText = Array("SELECT * FROM [Contractuels]")
        .RowNumbers = False
        .FillAdjacentFormulas = False
        .PreserveFormatting = True
        .RefreshOnFileOpen = False
        .BackgroundQuery = True
        .RefreshStyle = xlInsertDeleteCells
        .SavePassword = False
        .SaveData = True
        .RefreshPeriod = False
        .PreserveColumnInfo = True
        .ListObject.DisplayName = "Table_ExternalData_1"
        .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
    End With
End Sub

And this is where everything went haywire: I got an error on ExecuteExcel4Macro, so I tried to modify the VBA code according to what I read here: How to automate a power query in VBA?

Private Sub ImportPQ()
    Dim qry As WorkbookQuery, qryTxt As String
    qryTxt = _
        "(""Contractuels"",""let" & Chr(10) & "  Source = Csv.Document(File.Contents(""/Users/ari/Nextcloud Nice/CMI/Contractuels.csv""), [Delimiter = "";"", Columns = 15, QuoteStyle = QuoteStyle.None])," & Chr(10) & "  Headers = Table.PromoteHeaders(Source, [PromoteAllScalars = true])," & Chr(10) & "  EstablishedColumnTypes = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Headers, {{""Nom"", type text}, {""Prenom"", type text}, {""Nom" & _
        "_JF"", type text}, {""Date_naissance"", type date}, {""mail_ouvert"", type text}, {""Statut"", type text}, {""Entree_grade"", type date}, {""Echelon"", Int64.Type}, {""Date_echelon"", type date}, {""Rne"", type text}, {""EtabNom"", type text}, {""EtabBassin"", type text}, {""EtabVille"", type text}, {""nbre_heure"", type text}, {""Type_nomination"", type text}}, ""f" & _
        "r-FR"")," & Chr(10) & "  ChangedTypeNbHours = Table.TransformColumnTypes(EstablishedColumnTypes, {{""nbre_heure"", type number}})," & Chr(10) & "  NbContracts = Table.AddColumn(ChangedTypeNbHours, ""REP_SUP"", each if [Type_nomination] = ""REP"" or [Type_nomination] = ""SUP"" then 1 else 0, Int64.Type)," & Chr(10) & "  GroupedTable = Table.Group(NbContracts, {""Nom"", ""Prenom"", ""Nom_JF"", ""Date_naissanc" & _
        "e"", ""mail_ouvert"", ""Entree_grade"", ""Statut"", ""Echelon"", ""Date_echelon""}," & Chr(10) & "    {" & Chr(10) & "      {" & Chr(10) & "        ""Affectation""," & Chr(10) & "        each" & Chr(10) & "          let" & Chr(10) & "            SommeAffectations = List.Sum ([REP_SUP])" & Chr(10) & "          in" & Chr(10) & "            if SommeAffectations > 1 then ""Multiple"" else if SommeAffectations = 1 then ""Unique"" else ""Sans""," & Chr(10) & "        type text" & Chr(10) & "      }," & Chr(10) & "      {" & Chr(10) & " " & _
        "       ""Affectation_principale""," & Chr(10) & "        each" & Chr(10) & "          let" & Chr(10) & "            RepSup = Table.SelectRows (_, each [Type_nomination] = ""REP"" or [Type_nomination] = ""SUP"")," & Chr(10) & "            AffPrinc = Table.Max (RepSup, ""nbre_heure"")" & Chr(10) & "          in" & Chr(10) & "            AffPrinc" & Chr(10) & "      }" & Chr(10) & "    }" & Chr(10) & "  )," & Chr(10) & "  ExpandedAffPrinc = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(GroupedTable, ""Affectation_principale""," & _
        " {""Rne"", ""EtabNom"", ""EtabBassin"", ""EtabVille"", ""nbre_heure""}, {""Rne"", ""EtabNom"", ""EtabBassin"", ""EtabVille"", ""nbre_heure""})," & Chr(10) & "  DetectionCx = Table.AddColumn(ExpandedAffPrinc, ""Cx"", each if [Entree_grade] >= #date((if Date.From(DateTime.LocalNow()) >= #date (Date.Year(DateTime.LocalNow()), 9, 1) then Date.Year(DateTime.LocalNow()) else Date.Year(" & _
        "DateTime.LocalNow()) - 1), 7, 1) then ""C0"" else if [Entree_grade] < #date((if Date.From(DateTime.LocalNow()) >= #date (Date.Year(DateTime.LocalNow()), 9, 1) then Date.Year(DateTime.LocalNow()) else Date.Year(DateTime.LocalNow()) - 1), 7, 1) and [Entree_grade] >= #date((if Date.From(DateTime.LocalNow()) >= #date (Date.Year(DateTime.LocalNow()), 9, 1) then Date.Year" & _
        "(DateTime.LocalNow()) - 1 else Date.Year(DateTime.LocalNow()) - 2), 7, 1) then ""C1"" else if (Duration.Days(DateTime.Date(DateTime.LocalNow())-[Date_echelon]) / 365) > 5 and [Statut]<> ""CDI"" then ""CDIsable"" else """", type text)," & Chr(10) & "  ReorderCx = Table.ReorderColumns(DetectionCx, {""Nom"", ""Prenom"", ""Nom_JF"", ""Date_naissance"", ""mail_ouvert"", ""Entree_grade" & _
        """, ""Cx"", ""Statut"", ""Echelon"", ""Date_echelon"", ""Affectation"", ""Rne"", ""EtabNom"", ""EtabBassin"", ""EtabVille"", ""nbre_heure""})" & Chr(10) & "in" & Chr(10) & "  ReorderCx"")" & _
    For Each q In ThisWorkbook.Queries
    Next q
    Set qry = ThisWorkbook.Queries.Add("Contractuels", qryTxt)
    With Sheet3.ListObjects.Add(SourceType:=0, Source:= _
        "OLEDB;Provider=Microsoft.Mashup.OleDb.1;Data Source=$Workbook$;Location=Contractuels;Extended Properties=""""" _
        , Destination:=Range("$A$1")).QueryTable
        .CommandType = xlCmdSql
        .CommandText = Array("SELECT * FROM [Contractuels]")
        .RowNumbers = False
        .FillAdjacentFormulas = False
        .PreserveFormatting = True
        .RefreshOnFileOpen = False
        .BackgroundQuery = True
        .RefreshStyle = xlInsertDeleteCells
        .SavePassword = False
        .SaveData = True
        .RefreshPeriod = False
        .PreserveColumnInfo = True
        .ListObject.DisplayName = "Contractuels"
        .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
    End With
End Sub

Now, I get an error "The name 'Source' wasn't recognized. Make sure it is spelled correctly" (Run-time error 1004) (but I got other others before, which I haven't saved exactly [but there was something akin to Method .Refresh unrecognized about the last line of the script], and Excel crashed after several tries). Also, when I have a look at the 'Queries and Connections' window, there are queries piling up, and I cannot delete them, even manually (even though it seemed I requested the deletion of all queries in my VBA code)

As you can see, I am in way over my head... Any help will therefore be greatly appreciated!


  • Your query text is wrong. It should just be:

    qryTxt = _
        "let" & Chr(10) & "  Source = Csv.Document(File.Contents(""/Users/ari/Nextcloud Nice/CMI/Contractuels.csv""), [Delimiter = "";"", Columns = 15, QuoteStyle = QuoteStyle.None])," & Chr(10) & "  Headers = Table.PromoteHeaders(Source, [PromoteAllScalars = true])," & Chr(10) & "  EstablishedColumnTypes = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Headers, {{""Nom"", type text}, {""Prenom"", type text}, {""Nom" & _
        "_JF"", type text}, {""Date_naissance"", type date}, {""mail_ouvert"", type text}, {""Statut"", type text}, {""Entree_grade"", type date}, {""Echelon"", Int64.Type}, {""Date_echelon"", type date}, {""Rne"", type text}, {""EtabNom"", type text}, {""EtabBassin"", type text}, {""EtabVille"", type text}, {""nbre_heure"", type text}, {""Type_nomination"", type text}}, ""f" & _
        "r-FR"")," & Chr(10) & "  ChangedTypeNbHours = Table.TransformColumnTypes(EstablishedColumnTypes, {{""nbre_heure"", type number}})," & Chr(10) & "  NbContracts = Table.AddColumn(ChangedTypeNbHours, ""REP_SUP"", each if [Type_nomination] = ""REP"" or [Type_nomination] = ""SUP"" then 1 else 0, Int64.Type)," & Chr(10) & "  GroupedTable = Table.Group(NbContracts, {""Nom"", ""Prenom"", ""Nom_JF"", ""Date_naissanc" & _
        "e"", ""mail_ouvert"", ""Entree_grade"", ""Statut"", ""Echelon"", ""Date_echelon""}," & Chr(10) & "    {" & Chr(10) & "      {" & Chr(10) & "        ""Affectation""," & Chr(10) & "        each" & Chr(10) & "          let" & Chr(10) & "            SommeAffectations = List.Sum ([REP_SUP])" & Chr(10) & "          in" & Chr(10) & "            if SommeAffectations > 1 then ""Multiple"" else if SommeAffectations = 1 then ""Unique"" else ""Sans""," & Chr(10) & "        type text" & Chr(10) & "      }," & Chr(10) & "      {" & Chr(10) & " " & _
        "       ""Affectation_principale""," & Chr(10) & "        each" & Chr(10) & "          let" & Chr(10) & "            RepSup = Table.SelectRows (_, each [Type_nomination] = ""REP"" or [Type_nomination] = ""SUP"")," & Chr(10) & "            AffPrinc = Table.Max (RepSup, ""nbre_heure"")" & Chr(10) & "          in" & Chr(10) & "            AffPrinc" & Chr(10) & "      }" & Chr(10) & "    }" & Chr(10) & "  )," & Chr(10) & "  ExpandedAffPrinc = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(GroupedTable, ""Affectation_principale""," & _
        " {""Rne"", ""EtabNom"", ""EtabBassin"", ""EtabVille"", ""nbre_heure""}, {""Rne"", ""EtabNom"", ""EtabBassin"", ""EtabVille"", ""nbre_heure""})," & Chr(10) & "  DetectionCx = Table.AddColumn(ExpandedAffPrinc, ""Cx"", each if [Entree_grade] >= #date((if Date.From(DateTime.LocalNow()) >= #date (Date.Year(DateTime.LocalNow()), 9, 1) then Date.Year(DateTime.LocalNow()) else Date.Year(" & _
        "DateTime.LocalNow()) - 1), 7, 1) then ""C0"" else if [Entree_grade] < #date((if Date.From(DateTime.LocalNow()) >= #date (Date.Year(DateTime.LocalNow()), 9, 1) then Date.Year(DateTime.LocalNow()) else Date.Year(DateTime.LocalNow()) - 1), 7, 1) and [Entree_grade] >= #date((if Date.From(DateTime.LocalNow()) >= #date (Date.Year(DateTime.LocalNow()), 9, 1) then Date.Year" & _
        "(DateTime.LocalNow()) - 1 else Date.Year(DateTime.LocalNow()) - 2), 7, 1) then ""C1"" else if (Duration.Days(DateTime.Date(DateTime.LocalNow())-[Date_echelon]) / 365) > 5 and [Statut]<> ""CDI"" then ""CDIsable"" else """", type text)," & Chr(10) & "  ReorderCx = Table.ReorderColumns(DetectionCx, {""Nom"", ""Prenom"", ""Nom_JF"", ""Date_naissance"", ""mail_ouvert"", ""Entree_grade" & _
        """, ""Cx"", ""Statut"", ""Echelon"", ""Date_echelon"", ""Affectation"", ""Rne"", ""EtabNom"", ""EtabBassin"", ""EtabVille"", ""nbre_heure""})" & Chr(10) & "in" & Chr(10) & "  ReorderCx"