I am trying to make a heatmap similar to GitHub's contributions chart using ApexChart Heatmap. However, I want to go from gray to blue as the values get higher. I also want to cap the color range, so that after a certain number of contributions it is the same color regardless. It would also be really nice if low values did not look like 0 (since a few contributions is still much more than 0). However I am unable to do so. Any help would be welcome. I could not do it using colorScale:
but that is probably just a skill issue. Here are my chart options:
const chartOptions = {
chart: {
type: "heatmap",
animations: {
enabled: false,
redrawOnWindowResize: false,
selection: {
enabled: false,
plotOptions: {
heatmap: {
radius: 5,
dataLabels: {
enabled: false
colors: ["#008FFB"],
stroke: {
colors: ["#D3D3D3"],
width: 2,
title: {
text: "User Contributions",
xaxis: {
type: "datetime",
labels: {
format: "MMM",
showDuplicates: false,
return (
<div id="chart">
<div id="html-dist"></div>
You'll need to add a range, like this:
plotOptions: {
heatmap: {
colorScale: {
ranges: [
{ from: 0, to: 1, color: "#ffffff" },
{ from: 1, to: 2, color: "#ece7fc" },
{ from: 2, to: 3, color: "#dacff8" },
{ from: 3, to: 4, color: "#c6b8f5" },
{ from: 4, to: 5, color: "#b2a1f1" },
{ from: 5, to: 6, color: "#9c8bed" },
{ from: 6, to: 7, color: "#8575e8" },
{ from: 7, to: 8, color: "#6a5fe4" },
{ from: 8, to: 9, color: "#494adf" },
{ from: 9, to: 10, color: "#0036da" },
min: 0,
max: 10,
This way you'll be able to control the colours and you'll also be able to cap the colours at a certain contribution.