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how do i use prismjs when importing into a web-component

I am attempting to use prismjs from a file I am importing into a web-component.

Here is the function which is supposed to return the prismjs highlighted code block

import Prism from 'prismjs';

function article() {
     const code = `var data = 1`;
     const html = Prism.highlight(code, Prism.languages.javascript, 'javascript')
     const pre = document.createElement('pre')
     const _code = document.createElement('code')
     _code.classList = 'language-js'
     _code.innerHTML = html

     return pre

and here is my web-component

 export default class PostComponent extends HTMLElement {
     constructor() {
         this.shadow = this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'})
         this.styleSheet = document.createElement('style')

         window.addEventListener('popstate', async (e) => {
             const path = e.state;
             const module = await GetArticle(path)

             this.articleName = module.title()
             this.canvasApp = module.canvasApp()
             this.article = module.article()



     connectedCallback() {

     RenderView() {
         this.styleSheet.textContent = Style;

I am including the prism.min.css from index.html.

What gets ultimately rendered is an unhighlighted code element which is not what I am looking for. I have tried using Prism.highlightAll() in the article() function and the constructor but neither works.


  • You are adding the CSS to the global scope; but global CSS can not style shadowDOM

    You need to load that CSS inside the shadowDOM.

    You also do not want to load the <script src=".../prism.js"> in your HTML. It is a dependency of the Web Component. So the (JSWC) Web Component loads it when required

    About that setTimeout, see my blogpost:
    Web Component developers do not connect with the connectedCallback (yet)

    As alternative see:

      customElements.define("prism-code", class extends HTMLElement {
        connectedCallback() {
          const createElement = (tag, props = {}, element = document.createElement(tag)) => {
            if (props.append) { element.append(...props.append); delete props.append }
            return Object.assign(element, props);
          setTimeout(() => { // wait till lightDOM is parsed
            new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
              if (window.Prism) { resolve(); return }
                createElement("script", {
                  src: "",
                  onload: resolve, onerror: reject,
            }).then(() => {
              this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" }).append(
                createElement("style", {
                  textContent: `@import url('');`,
                createElement("pre", {
                  append: [
                    createElement("code", {
                      className: `language-${this.getAttribute("language") || "javascript"}`,
                      textContent: this.textContent.trim(),
              ); //append
            }); // then
          }, 0); // setTimeout
        } // connectedCallback
       } // class
      ); // customElements.define
    // This is a sample JavaScript code
    function helloWorld() {
        console.log('Hello, world!');