I'm trying to build a selector box with search results which can be selected using the keyboard. It's not too hard to do - except when it comes to Opera which I can't prevent from popping up an own selector box (wand form settings) on key down, making it impossible to make a choice from mine.
Here's a little demo: Type something into the box and try to select from my popup with the arrow down... will work as intended in latest Chrome, for example - won't work in latest Opera.
Opera's my favorite, so I need to find a solution just to satisfiy myselve ;-)
Thanks for sharing ideas...
See jQuery keyup keyCode doesn't work in Opera
Soloution: use autocomplete="off"
<input id="test" value="" autocomplete="off" >
Or if you wan't to keep it clean in JS:
Inside your keyup function.
Hope it helps :)