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Postgres - How to use the AVG of the last number of rows and multiply it with another column?

I have the following table:

date     | ratio | revenue  
03-30-18 | 1.2   | 918264
03-31-18 | 0.94  | 981247
04-01-18 | 1.1   | 957353
04-02-18 | 0.99  | 926274
04-03-18 | 1.05  |
04-04-18 | 0.97  | 
04-05-18 | 1.23  |

As you can see, 04-03-18 and beyond haven't happened yet so there is no revenue input for those days. But I have a ratio for those future days. I want to use the AVG revenue of the last 4 days that I do have and multiply it by the ratio to make future revenue predictions.

In result, I wish to have the following table:

date     | ratio | revenue  
03-30-18 | 1.2   | 918264
03-31-18 | 0.94  | 981247
04-01-18 | 1.1   | 957353
04-02-18 | 0.99  | 926274
04-03-18 | 1.05  | 993073.73
04-04-18 | 0.97  | 917410.97
04-05-18 | 1.23  | 1163314.94


  • I don't see a need for window functions, so I would phrase this as:

    select, t.ratio, 
           coalesce(t.revenue, a.avg4 * ratio) as revenue
    from t cross join
         (select avg(revenue) as avg4
          from (select t.*
                from t
                where t.revenue is not null
                order by date desc
                limit 4
               ) t
         ) a
    order by date;