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QObject inheritance Ambiguous Base

I have a simple class that stops and starts a timer when my program gains and loses focus but it gives the error tha QObject is Ambiguous base of MyApp on every signal-slot connection. Here is the relevant code:

class MyApp : public QApplication, public QObject

Here is my (messy) Main.cpp:

    #include <QtGui/QApplication>
    #include "qmlapplicationviewer.h"
    #include <QObject>
    #include <QGraphicsObject>
    #include <QTimer>
    #include <QVariant>
    #include "timecontrol.h"
    #include "scorecontrol.h"
    #include "Retry.h"
    #include <QEvent>
    #include "myapp.h"

    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        MyApp app(argc, argv);

        QmlApplicationViewer viewer;

        QObject *rootObject = viewer.rootObject();

        QTimer *timmer = new QTimer;

        TimeControl *timcon = new TimeControl;

        scorecontrol *scorer = new scorecontrol;

        Retry *probeer = new Retry;

        QObject::connect(timmer, SIGNAL(timeout()), timcon, SLOT(updateTime()));
        QObject::connect(timcon, SIGNAL(setTime(QVariant)), rootObject, SLOT(setTime(QVariant)));
        QObject::connect(rootObject, SIGNAL(blockClicked(int, int)), scorer, SLOT(checkRight(int, int)));
        QObject::connect(scorer, SIGNAL(setScore(QVariant)), rootObject, SLOT(setScore(QVariant)));
        QObject::connect(scorer, SIGNAL(setState(QVariant)), rootObject, SLOT(setState(QVariant)));

        QObject::connect(rootObject, SIGNAL(start()), probeer, SLOT(Reetry()));
        QObject::connect(probeer, SIGNAL(start()), timmer, SLOT(start()));
        QObject::connect(probeer, SIGNAL(stop()), timmer, SLOT(stop()));
        QObject::connect(probeer, SIGNAL(start(int)), scorer, SLOT(randomNum(int)));
        QObject::connect(probeer, SIGNAL(sReset()), timcon, SLOT(reset()));
        QObject::connect(probeer, SIGNAL(tReset()), scorer, SLOT(reset()));
        QObject::connect(timcon, SIGNAL(timeOut()), scorer, SLOT(reset()));

        QObject::connect(timcon, SIGNAL(setState(QVariant)), rootObject, SLOT(setState(QVariant)));
        QObject::connect(timcon, SIGNAL(changeFinal()), scorer, SLOT(changeFinal()));
        QObject::connect(scorer, SIGNAL(setFinal(QVariant)), rootObject, SLOT(setFinal(QVariant)));

        QObject::connect(&app, SIGNAL(focusL()), probeer, SLOT(focusL()));
        QObject::connect(&app, SIGNAL(focusG()), probeer, SLOT(focusG()));

        return app.exec();


    #include "myapp.h"
    #include <QDebug>
    #include <QObject>

    MyApp::MyApp(int argc, char **argv): QApplication(argc, argv)

    bool MyApp::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event)
        if (event->type() == QEvent::ApplicationDeactivate)
            qDebug() << "Focus lost";
        if (event->type() == QEvent::ApplicationActivate)
            qDebug() << "Focus gained";

        return false;


  • With your current example, you've created a split inheritance scheme, where your object ends up with dual instances of a QObject ... there is one base QObject for the QApplication, and another for the actual MyApp class. That's going to create ambiguity since accessing an inherited QObject method or data-member will not know exactly which inherited base object to access.

    Right now, your inheritance diagram looks like this (note the two instances of QObject your MyApp object inherits):

     | QObject |         | QObject |
           \                 /
            \         | QApplication |
             \             /
              \           /
             |    MyApp    |

    You should keep your inheritance diagram linear, rather than have a split inheritance scheme, and that means having a derived class that only contains one instance of the base-class. So you want something like this:
