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Renaming columns in the global environment

I have these data frames in R within the global environment:

file_1 <- data.frame(id = 1:5, samplecolumn = letters[1:5], value = rnorm(5))
file_2 <- data.frame(id = 1:5, sample_column = letters[6:10], value = rnorm(5))
file_3 <- data.frame(id = 1:5, othercolumn = letters[11:15], value = rnorm(5))
abc_1 <- data.frame(id = 1:5, samplecolumn = letters[16:20], value = rnorm(5))

For all data frames starting with "file_", if there is a column the name "samplecolumn", I want to rename it as "sample_column".

I thought that I could do this by first identifying all data frames starting with "file_", and then renaming them:

all_objects <- ls()

file_objects <- all_objects[grep("^file_", all_objects)]

for (file in file_objects) {
    df <- get(file)
    if ("samplecolumn" %in% colnames(df)) {
        colnames(df)[colnames(df) == "samplecolumn"] <- "sample_column"
        assign(file, df)

Is this the correct way to do this in R?


  • Here is a base R way. Get the data frames with ls/mget, then lapply a function making the changes.

    ls(pattern = "file_") |>
      mget() |>
      lapply(\(x) {
        names(x) <- ifelse(grepl("samplecolumn", names(x)), "sample_column", names(x))
    #> $file_1
    #>   id sample_column      value
    #> 1  1             a  0.3567935
    #> 2  2             b  0.1467364
    #> 3  3             c  0.2088358
    #> 4  4             d  1.9435469
    #> 5  5             e -1.6413247
    #> $file_2
    #>   id sample_column      value
    #> 1  1             f -0.2842375
    #> 2  2             g  0.5040112
    #> 3  3             h  2.5262186
    #> 4  4             i  0.5083768
    #> 5  5             j  0.7501698
    #> $file_3
    #>   id othercolumn       value
    #> 1  1           k -0.17416173
    #> 2  2           l -0.04321274
    #> 3  3           m -0.16325477
    #> 4  4           n -0.53594218
    #> 5  5           o  1.11494155

    Created on 2024-09-28 with reprex v2.1.0

    Or, more simple, with setNames.

    ls(pattern = "file_") |>
      mget() |>
             setNames(x, ifelse(grepl("samplecolumn", names(x)), "sample_column", names(x)))
    #> $file_1
    #>   id sample_column      value
    #> 1  1             a  1.5820405
    #> 2  2             b -0.6436687
    #> 3  3             c -0.5669997
    #> 4  4             d  0.9622013
    #> 5  5             e -0.9325018
    #> $file_2
    #>   id sample_column      value
    #> 1  1             f -0.3382037
    #> 2  2             g  0.3404972
    #> 3  3             h  0.2350941
    #> 4  4             i -0.1942233
    #> 5  5             j  0.7478564
    #> $file_3
    #>   id othercolumn      value
    #> 1  1           k  2.3387201
    #> 2  2           l -1.0179311
    #> 3  3           m  0.3301583
    #> 4  4           n -0.3459007
    #> 5  5           o  2.2805970

    Created on 2024-09-28 with reprex v2.1.0