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How to ignore multiple repos easily on GitHub?

Similar to How to unwatch multiple repos easily on github?, but different.

I'm a member of multiple groups, and those groups happen to be in CODEOWNERS for several repos. This adds me as a requested reviewer to all PRs in those repos. By ignoring those repos, I can avoid this but I'm only able to do this as I get the notifications. It's possible but not practical for me to get removed from the groups.

If there's a way to ignore repos subject to some search criteria, that'd be a nice solution to this.


  • If you're part of multiple groups listed in the CODEOWNERS file of several repositories, it can lead to you being automatically added as a requested reviewer for every pull request. While you can manually ignore the repositories when you receive notifications, this can become impractical for managing a large number of repos.

    Unfortunately, there isn’t a built-in GitHub feature to ignore review requests based on search criteria or specific repos directly. However, a possible workaround is to use email filters to automatically archive or mark certain notifications. You could create filters based on repository names or keywords in the subject line of the emails.

    Additionally, discussing with your team about restructuring the CODEOWNERS file or creating a secondary group for those who are active reviewers could help reduce unnecessary notifications without having to remove yourself from all groups.