I'm trying to return the row header and column header based on the value I'm looking for in matrix . How can I find the lower closed match on matrix and return its row and column header in single cell? I tried reverse look up formulas and index match formula but I couldn't get any results.
by the way i'm using excel 2021 version
Looking for the lower value closest to the given.
With LET (I think it is available in Excel 2021):
look_for, K18,
in, B2:I31,
closest, MAX(IF(in <= look_for, in, 0)),
closest_col, MAX(IF(in = closest, COLUMN(in), 0)),
closest_row, MAX(IF(in = closest, ROW(in), 0)),
INDEX(A:A, closest_row, 1) & ", " & INDEX(1:1, 1, closest_col)
Without using LET
=INDEX(A:A, MAX(IF(B2:I31 = MAX(IF(B2:I31 <= K18, B2:I31, 0)), ROW(B2:I31), 0)), 1)
& ", " & INDEX(1:1, 1, MAX(IF(B2:I31 = MAX(IF(B2:I31 <= K18, B2:I31, 0)), COLUMN(B2:I31), 0)))
Conditional formatting for fun: