I'm designing an application in ASP.NET Web-From which require Multilevel
role-based authorization and permission (CRUD Operation ) .
It required to do authorization users at accessing Web-Forms and CRUD Operations On Forms And tables of database .
Administrator of the application would be able to determine which roles has access to specific page and which operation authorized to do .
//More Info :
I'm using ASP.NET Web-Form 4.0 and Entity Framework 4.1 Database First approach.
I'm familiar with ASP.NET 2.0 Membership, Roles, Forms Authentication .
I would appreciate any recommendation or help in designing Database .
If I understand this correctly, you will then have a Set of Users (possibly subdivided in SubSets: each Subset being a Group).
Item Type GroupId C R U D
Form001 F Sales N R U N
Form002 F Admin N Y Y Y
All_FORMS T:F Admin Y Y Y Y
Tab-045A D Sales Y Y Y Y
Which says: Form001 is a (F)orm and Everyone can Read it (but not modify its structure). Users from the SALES group can use Form 1 to update, too. Administrators (a Group) can modify, delete or use Form Form002 (but not create it...) Administrators can Create new Forms. Tab-045A is a table, whose records can be created/used/modified/deleted by users from the Sales group.
A few caveats:
Having to manage groups and subgroups you better look what kinds of facilities exist in your target DB to manage Tree structures. And you better brush up on the subject by looking at a few questions about this. Here is one to give you a start, but it's not the only one: