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PHP: Unable to extact files from a ZIP archive

I am trying to upload a .zip file to a Server and extract it.

First, I move the uploaded .zip file to my $target_path

$target_Path = $path . basename($_FILES['file']['name']);
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $target_Path);

Then I am trying to unzip the .zip file using ZipArchive in PHP (ZipArchive)

 function unzip($zipFile, $destination) {
                $zip = new ZipArchive();
                for($i=0; $i<$zip->numFiles; $i++) {
                    if(substr($file,-1) == '/') continue;
                    $lastDelimiterPos = strrpos($destination.$file, '/');
                    $dir = substr($destination.$file, 0, $lastDelimiterPos);
                    if (!file_exists($dir)) {
                        mkdir($dir, 0777, true);
                    $name = substr($destination.$file, $lastDelimiterPos + 1);
                    echo $dir. "/" .$name;


            unzip($target_Path, $path);

$target_path is a relative path directly to the .zip file

$path is a relative path to the folder ending in a "/"

Through the Error-Message I know, that my path to the .zip file must be correct (I see the files I want to copy)
The Error I get:

copy(zip://../Customer/Test/Screen Links/HTML_Content/ Failed to open stream: operation failed in D:\xampp\htdocs\MVM_RED_VIOLET\php\AX_upload_PIC.php on line 60 <br>

So I know that fs_panel.svg (the first file in the ZipArchive) gets found.

I just don´t know how I can copy the file from the ZipArchive to a folder outside.

I also tried zip->extractTo - that only gives me no error but also no files - it just says it worked without doing anything.


  • I could not get the zipArchive to work so I looked for other options...

    I solved my problem using shell_exec()

    shell_exec("7z x $file -o$path -y 2>&1");

    this command uses 7-Zip (which is installed on my Pc) and extracts a $file to my $path

    Things you need to set for this to work:

    • install and add 7-zip to your enviroment variables
    • change variables_order="GPCS" to variables_order="EGPCS" in your php.ini file
    • set safe_mode_exec_dir=Off in your php.ini file
    • add 2>&1 to the end of you command

    this setup executes any command you write in your php file in a shell - so if a command works in your shell it should work in php too