I'm currently stuck with the following problem:
I need to dynamically update component positioning at run time. I'm making a form editor for an external application. I use wrapper-classes for standard Swing components, currently JPanel
and JLabel
. Panels are using TableLayout
. I'm storing each component position in a field for each component. When something is changed, I need to recursively update all positions. Here is my method for updating positions:
public void updatePositioning() {
Component[] comps = getComponents();
for (Component comp:comps) {
System.out.println("Moving component "+comp + " to x="+pos.get(comp).getX()
+" to y="+pos.get(comp).getY());
c = new TableLayoutConstraints(String.valueOf(pos.get(comp).getX())+","
add(comp, c);
if (comp instanceof EditPanel) ((EditPanel)comp).updatePositioning();
I know, it's rough, but it's not working. All the components are seems to belong to 0,0 grid cell. X's and Y's are correct, as I've seen through debugger. Here is how I add components to my panel:
public void addComponent(TableLayouted comp, int x, int y) {
c = new TableLayoutConstraints(String.valueOf(x)+","+String.valueOf(y));
add((JComponent) comp, c);
//saving position of the component
pos.put((Component) comp, comp.getTablePositon());
System.out.println("Component "+comp+"added to x="+x+"y="+y);
Any suggestions?
Any suggestions?