I'm looking to run some code every time Emacs creates a buffer. Is there a hook for this? Something with a name like after-make-buffer-functions
Edit: If anyone wants to know what I wanted this for, you can read the relevant portion of my Emacs config here: https://github.com/DarwinAwardWinner/dotemacs/blob/master/site-lisp/settings/tempbuf-settings.el
Basically, I want tempbuf-mode to be enabled in all buffers with certain major modes. So Lindydancer's answer is actually more appropriate than what I was originally looking for.
I know that I could already enable tempbuf-mode in specific modes by adding the tempbuf mode hook to all of those major mode hooks, but I wanted to make it editable through M-x customize
, and this was the easiest way.
Unfortunately, no. Emacs use the low-level function ´get-buffer-create´ to create buffers, and it does not provide any hook mechanism.
You could use advice to pick-up all calls to this function, even though I would not recommend this method as it is quite intrusive. (Update: The advice hook will only see calls from elisp, not calls from the Emacs C core parts.)
There are some alternatives which you could use, depending on what you are implementing:
-- called before a major mode change.after-change-major-mode-hook
-- called when the major mode is beginning to change.