I have done a Spearman correlation and need a scatterplot with a line matching the Spearman's rho. How can I do this?
> db
id Var_1 Var_2 Var_3 Var_4
1 5 8.17 83.08 10.28 19.81
2 6 4.06 42.30 2.72 28.92
3 17 6.06 62.43 4.55 23.10
4 18 10.88 61.12 15.96 23.50
5 27 10.67 49.29 1.99 19.50
6 30 2.85 57.22 13.05 19.90
7 37 7.26 53.79 13.91 22.30
8 40 28.77 146.45 558.33 33.10
9 41 5.26 42.87 7.03 23.40
10 42 21.38 70.32 12.60 20.00
> cor.test(db$Var_4, db$Var_2, method=c("spearman"))
Spearman's rank correlation rho
data: db$Var_4 and db$Var_2
S = 168, p-value = 0.9728
alternative hypothesis: true rho is not equal to 0
sample estimates:
Use ‘abline’ to manually add lines to your plot.
db <- read.table(header=TRUE, text="
id Var_1 Var_2 Var_3 Var_4
5 8.17 83.08 10.28 19.81
6 4.06 42.30 2.72 28.92
17 6.06 62.43 4.55 23.10
18 10.88 61.12 15.96 23.50
27 10.67 49.29 1.99 19.50
30 2.85 57.22 13.05 19.90
37 7.26 53.79 13.91 22.30
40 28.77 146.45 558.33 33.10
41 5.26 42.87 7.03 23.40
42 21.38 70.32 12.60 20.00")
rho <- cor(db$Var_4, db$Var_2, method=c("spearman"))
Since Spearman's correlation coefficient is based on the ranks, we transform the data to ranks before plotting.
db.rank <- dplyr::mutate(db, across(starts_with("Var"), rank))
a <- mean(db.rank$Var_2)
plot(db.rank$Var_4, db.rank$Var_2,
main="Scatter plot of ranks\nSpearman's correlation: -0.15"))
abline(a=a, b=rho, col="red")