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How to find the date a categorical variable was last active?

I have this data fram and I want to create an additional column that tells me the date the category was previously active.

DF <- data.frame(
  Date = rep(c("10-12-2024", "10-17-2024", "10-19-2024"), c(4L, 2L, 2L)),
  category = c("Red", "Red", "Blue", "Blue", "Blue", "Blue", "Red", "Blue")


Date category
10-12-2024 Red
10-12-2024 Red
10-12-2024 Blue
10-12-2024 Blue
10-17-2024 Blue
10-17-2024 Blue
10-19-2024 Red
10-19-2024 Blue

So I would like a 3rd column of Previous active day for that category. I'm expecting the output to look like this:

Date category previous active day
10-12-2024 Red
10-12-2024 Red
10-12-2024 Blue
10-12-2024 Blue
10-17-2024 Blue 10-12-2024
10-17-2024 Blue 10-12-2024
10-19-2024 Red 10-12-2024
10-19-2024 Blue 10-17-2024


  • I would group by category and date then take the first entry - this identifies unique dates that each category was active. Then, lag the date variable by group and merge it back into the original data.

    DF <- data.frame(
      Date = rep(c("10-12-2024", "10-17-2024", "10-19-2024"), c(4L, 2L, 2L)),
      category = c("Red", "Red", "Blue", "Blue", "Blue", "Blue", "Red", "Blue")
    DF %>% 
      group_by(Date, category) %>% 
      slice_head(n=1) %>% 
      group_by(category) %>% 
      mutate(previous_active_date = lag(Date)) %>% 
    #> Joining with `by = join_by(Date, category)`
    #> # A tibble: 8 × 3
    #> # Groups:   category [2]
    #>   Date       category previous_active_date
    #>   <chr>      <chr>    <chr>               
    #> 1 10-12-2024 Blue     <NA>                
    #> 2 10-12-2024 Blue     <NA>                
    #> 3 10-12-2024 Red      <NA>                
    #> 4 10-12-2024 Red      <NA>                
    #> 5 10-17-2024 Blue     10-12-2024          
    #> 6 10-17-2024 Blue     10-12-2024          
    #> 7 10-19-2024 Blue     10-17-2024          
    #> 8 10-19-2024 Red      10-12-2024

    Created on 2025-01-31 with reprex v2.1.1