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BackboneJs: how do i bootstrap my data in the page markup, and when do i assign them to my collections

So, building an application that uses multiple (2 for now) global collections, it is a catalog of both documents and patients, they have relations, but not as in, 1 document or a list of documents belonging to 1 patient, so they are in fact 2 separate collections,

my app is structured in a module system very similar to how it is described here:

the backbone.js documentation says about bootstrapping, to do something like this,

  Accounts.reset(<%= @accounts.to_json %>);

that is within a Rails application, i would however need to do it differently in MVC3, most likely i would just print out my json string without the <%= %> which isn't razor view engine style)

but my question here is,

this Accounts.reset(; is just floating somewhere in my markup, it is not in any way nicely structured in my module system, isn't there a way to nicely do this? where as i can get the data, from within my module?

and another side question, suppose i have a route in my backbone app

and someone calls this link directly, will my app have the data ready (from the bootstrap) on time, before the route itself is executed?


  • I tend to setup application objects - an object that encapsulates all of the code needed to start my application. I then take parameters into that object's constructor, so that they can be used by the app object. Passing pre-loaded JSON data into the app object is one of the things I do, to keep the code sane and encapsulated.

    It goes something like this, usually:

    MyApp = (function(Backbone, _){
      var MyModel = Backbone.Model.extend({});
      var MyCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
        model: MyModel
      var MyView = Backbone.View.extend({
        initialize: function(){
          this.collection.bind("reset", this.render, this);
        render: function(){
          // do stuff with the collection here
      var myApp = function(initialModels){
        this.start = function(){
          this.models = new MyCollection();
          this.myView = new MyView({collection: this.models});
      return myApp;
    })(Backbone, _);

    And then in my page that needs to start up the app, I do this:

    <script language="javascript">
      var myApp = new MyApp(<%= mymodels.to_json %>);

    That's the rails version of course. Just replace the <%= ... %> with your version for the Razor syntax in ASP.NET MVC.