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Dynamic html and js

I'm creating a dynamic content loader with a menu for navigating between sections. Each tab loads its corresponding HTML and JavaScript file. However, I'm encountering redeclaration errors with variables in the JS files when switching tabs. when i try to go again in a section i was before i get this error

Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'parcours' has already been declared (at script.js:1:1)".

How can I dynamically load and unload these scripts without conflicts?

the main html

    <!-- MENU -->
    <div id="menuConteneur">
        <div class="menuIcon on" id="etudeTravail" onclick="loadContent('etudeTravail/etudeTravail.html', 'etudeTravail/script.js')"></div>
        <div class="menuIcon off" id="projets" onclick="loadContent('projets/projets.html', 'projets/script.js')"></div>
        <div class="menuIcon off" id="about" onclick="loadContent('about/about.html', 'about/script.js')"></div>
    <div id="contenu"></div>
    <script src="script.js" defer></script>

the main script :

let lastScript = null;

function loadScript(scriptUrl) {
    if (lastScript) {

    const script = document.createElement('script');
    script.src = scriptUrl;
    script.defer = true;

    lastScript = script;

function loadContent(page, scriptUrl) {
    const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', page, true);
    xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
        if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200) {
            document.getElementById('contenu').innerHTML = xhr.responseText;
            if (scriptUrl) {
loadContent('etudeTravail/etudeTravail.html', 'etudeTravail/script.js');

one of the js

let parcours = document.querySelectorAll(".parcour");
parcours.forEach(parcour => {
    parcour.addEventListener("mouseover", function () {

his html

<div class="parcour">1</div>
<div class="parcour">2</div>
<div class="parcour">3</div>

I've implemented a dynamic content loader with a menu that switches between sections by loading different HTML and JavaScript files. I expected the scripts to load and unload without errors. However, I'm facing redeclaration issues with variables when switching tabs. What solutions can help resolve this?


  • I'm encountering redeclaration errors with variables in the JS files when switching tabs. when i try to go again in a section i was before i get this error

    As you are seeing, once you've declared a variable the first time via let (or const), you can't re-declare that variable.

    However, both let and const have block scope.

    This means, if they are re-declared in a separate block each time, you can re-declare the variables as many times as you wish.

    Consequently, an elegant solution would be to run the script as an IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression).


    (() => {
      let parcours = document.querySelectorAll(".parcour");
      parcours.forEach(parcour => {
        parcour.addEventListener("mouseover", function () {

    Essentially, this is a function which runs as soon as it is parsed.