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Footer flashes during route transition

The footer briefly flashes or collapses when switching routes, but only if the page is scrolled down to somewhere around the middle of a page. If I'm at the top of the page, the route transition works fine. This issue is more noticeable on high refresh rate monitors (e.g., 144-240+Hz). I'm not sure if this is a bug with the Nuxt layout or something else.

Here's the layout:

    <AppHeader />

      <slot />

    <AppFooter />


Here's the video of the issue:

Looking for a possible solution.


  • The solution is recommended by @tao in the comments above.

    When the fade out of the leaving page ends, the page element is removed and for a render cycle the footer is pushed up because there's no page element. Once the new page is added, the footer naturally moves down and the opacity transition begins. A simpler solution is to not render the footer while the page is entering:

    .content:has(.page-enter-active) + .footer {
        display: none;

    Be sure to add class names to the footer and a content (wrapper div around <slot/>).