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Can a formula return corresponding values from one column into another, removing blanks and separating them with commas?

I have a sheet with the following setup:

![Spreadsheet Image]

In cell K2, I use this formula:


This formula does the following:

  1. Checks if K1 is not blank.
  2. Searches the dataset B2:F for the value in K1.
  3. Returns the corresponding results from B1:F1, removing blanks.
  4. Ensures that the value in column I is not 0.

I want to extend this formula to also return the corresponding values from column A2:A and display these results in L2:L, separated by commas if there are multiple matches.

Is it possible to modify the existing formula to include this, or would it be better to use a separate formula in L2?

Example of expected results:

enter image description here

Link to spreadsheet:


  • Here's a generalized approach which you may adapt accordingly:

    =let(Λ,transpose(bycol(B2:F,lambda(Σ,if(xmatch(K1,Σ),vstack(index(1:1,column(Σ)),join(", ",filter(A2:A,Σ=K1))))))),

    enter image description here